Home Endocrine System Thymus: Structure, Function, and Health

Thymus: Structure, Function, and Health


What is thymus?

The thymus is the immune system’s specialized primary lymphoid organ, located in the anterior superior mediastinum, in front of the heart and behind the sternum. This small, gland-like structure is critical to the development and maturation of T lymphocytes (T cells), which are required for the adaptive immune response. The thymus is most active in childhood and gradually declines with age, a process known as involution. Despite its reduced function in adulthood, the thymus continues to play an important role in the development and maintenance of the immune system.

Key Insights into Thymus Anatomy

The thymus is a bilobed organ, with each lobe consisting of an outer cortex and an inner medulla enclosed by a thin capsule. The anatomy of the thymus is well-organized to aid in the development and maturity of T cells. A detailed description of its structure and associated components follows.

Location and Size

The thymus is located in the anterior superior mediastinum and spans from the lower edge of the thyroid gland to the fourth costal cartilage. The thymus in infants is relatively large, weighing between 10-15 grams. It reaches its peak size of around 20-50 grams during puberty and then gradually shrinks to about 5-15 grams in adulthood due to involution.


A fibrous capsule encloses the thymus and extends septa into the organ, dividing it into numerous lobules. The capsule provides structural support and protection, while the septa contain blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that aid in communication and nutrient exchange.


The capsule’s septa divide each thymic lobe into numerous lobules. Each lobule contains two distinct regions: the cortex and the medulla.


The cortex is the outer, darker-stained region of the thymic lobules. It is densely packed with immature T cells, also known as thymocytes, as well as an intricate network of epithelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. The cortex’s primary function is to support early T cell development.

  1. Thymocytes are T-cell precursors that migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus. They rapidly proliferate and differentiate within the cortical region.
  2. Cortical Epithelial Cells: These cells form a protective framework for thymocytes and secrete cytokines and growth factors required for thymocyte development.
  3. Macrophages and Dendritic Cells: These cells are involved in apoptotic thymocyte phagocytosis and antigen presentation, both of which are critical for the selection of functional T cells.


The medulla is the innermost, lighter-colored region of the thymic lobules. It has fewer thymocytes than the cortex but contains more mature T cells, medullary epithelial cells, Hassall’s corpuscles, and antigen-presenting cells.

  1. Mature T Cells: Thymocytes that survive selection processes in the cortex migrate to the medulla, where they mature before entering the bloodstream.
  2. Medullary Epithelial Cells: These cells play an important role in the final stages of T cell maturation and in the induction of central tolerance, which prevents autoimmunity.
  3. Hassall’s Corpuscles: These are distinctive structures composed of concentric layers of epithelial cells. Their exact function is unknown, but they are thought to play a role in regulatory T cell maturation and apoptotic cell clearance.

Vascular Supply

The internal thoracic arteries, which branch from the subclavian arteries, provide ample blood supply to the thymus. Venous drainage occurs primarily through the thymic veins, which empty into the left brachiocephalic vein. The extensive vascular network ensures an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients while also facilitating the migration of mature T cells into the peripheral circulation.

Innervation and Lymphatics

The vagus nerve (parasympathetic) and the sympathetic trunk both innervate the thymus autonomically. This innervation regulates thymic function and T cell development.

Lymphatic drainage from the thymus travels to the anterior mediastinal and parasternal lymph nodes. The thymus, unlike other lymphoid organs, lacks afferent lymphatic vessels, indicating that its primary function is T cell development rather than lymph filtering.

Thymic Microenvironment

The thymic microenvironment is a complex network of stromal cells, extracellular matrix components, and cytokines that provide a distinct environment for T cell development. Key components are:

  1. Epithelial Cells: Both cortical and medullary epithelial cells provide structural support and secrete factors that aid in thymocyte survival and differentiation.
  2. Extracellular Matrix: The extracellular matrix, which consists of collagen, fibronectin, laminin, and other proteins, serves as a scaffold for cell migration and interaction.
  3. Cytokines and chemokines: These signaling molecules control thymocyte development, migration, and selection. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is a key cytokine that promotes thymocyte survival and proliferation.


Thymic involution refers to the age-related shrinkage and loss of thymic tissue. It begins after puberty and results in a reduced ability to produce new T cells. During involution, adipose tissue gradually replaces the thymic parenchyma, though functional thymic tissue can remain throughout life. Despite this decline, the peripheral T cell pool and memory T cells continue to provide immune support.

Thymus Physiology and Functions

The thymus is responsible for the development of the adaptive immune system, particularly the production and maturation of T lymphocytes (T cells). The processes of T cell development, selection, and central tolerance establishment provide insight into the thymus’s functions.

T-cell Development

T cells develop from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow and migrate to the thymus as immature precursors. Within the thymus, they go through a series of developmental stages, which include:

  1. Proliferation: Thymocyte precursors proliferate rapidly in the cortical region, owing to cytokines such as IL 7.
  2. Differentiation: Thymocytes differentiate into several T cell subsets, including helper T cells (CD4+), cytotoxic T cells (CD8+), and regulatory T cells (Tregs), each with a unique role in immune responses.

Positive Selection

Thymocytes in the thymic cortex go through positive selection, which selects for survival thymocytes that express T cell receptors (TCRs) capable of recognizing self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. This ensures that new T cells can effectively interact with MHC molecules, which present antigens to T cells.

  1. Cortical Thymic Epithelial Cells (cTECs): These cells deliver self-peptides bound to MHC molecules to developing thymocytes. Thymocytes with TCRs capable of recognizing these complexes receive survival signals.

Negative Selection

Thymocytes that have survived positive selection migrate to the medulla, where they face negative selection. This process eliminates thymocytes that react strongly to self-antigens, thereby preventing autoimmunity.

  1. Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells (mTECs): These cells express a wide range of self-antigens and deliver them to thymocytes. Thymocytes with high-affinity TCRs for these self-antigens die, allowing only T cells with appropriate reactivity to enter the circulation.

Central Tolerance

Central tolerance is established in the thymus through negative selection, which eliminates self-reactive T cells before they reach the peripheral immune system. This process is essential for avoiding autoimmune diseases.

Thymic Hormones

The thymus secretes a variety of hormones and cytokines that control T cell development and function, including:

  1. Thymosin: A hormone that stimulates T cell differentiation and improves immune response.
  2. Thymopoietin is a protein that regulates neuromuscular transmission and induces T cell differentiation.
  3. Thymulin regulates T cell function and has neuroendocrine effects.

Role in Immunological Memory

While the thymus primarily functions in early life, it also helps to establish long-term immunological memory. Memory T cells, which are produced during the initial immune response, remain in the peripheral tissues and provide rapid and robust protection when exposed to pathogens again.

Involution and Immune Aging

Thymic involution reduces the output of naive T cells, which contributes to immunosenescence, the gradual decline of the immune system that occurs with age. This decline may increase susceptibility to infections, reduce vaccine efficacy, and increase the incidence of cancer and autoimmune diseases in the elderly.

Common Disorders of the Thymus

The thymus, which is critical during early development, can be affected by a variety of disorders and conditions that impair its function and overall health. These conditions can impair immune response, increase susceptibility to infections, and lead to autoimmune diseases or cancer.

Thymic Hyperplasia

Thymic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the thymus that can be true hyperplasia (increased cell count) or lymphoid hyperplasia (increased lymphoid follicles). This condition is frequently associated with autoimmune diseases like myasthenia gravis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. True Hyperplasia: A uniform enlargement of the thymus. It is common in younger people and is generally harmless.
  2. Lymphoid Hyperplasia: The presence of lymphoid follicles is common in autoimmune diseases, particularly myasthenia gravis. This type can cause the production of autoantibodies.


Thymomas are tumors that develop from the epithelial cells of the thymus. They are the most common type of thymic neoplasm and can cause a variety of paraneoplastic syndromes, most notably myasthenia gravis.

  1. Type A Thymomas: These are benign with a favorable prognosis. They consist of spindle-shaped epithelial cells.
  2. Type B Thymomas: These are more likely to be malignant. The subtypes are B1 (normal thymus), B2 (abundant lymphocytes), and B3 (epithelial cells with fewer lymphocytes).
  3. Type AB Thymomas: These are mixed tumors with characteristics of both Type A and Type B thymomas.

Thymic Carcinomas

Thymic carcinomas are malignant tumors that are more aggressive than thymomas and have a poor prognosis. They frequently metastasize to other organs and are less commonly associated with autoimmune diseases.

  1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The most common type of thymic carcinoma, which is similar to squamous cell carcinoma found in other organs.
  2. Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma: Characterized by the presence of lymphoid cells within the tumor; frequently associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.
  3. Neuroendocrine Tumors: Rare thymic carcinomas with neuroendocrine differentiation.

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the production of antibodies against acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction, which causes muscle weakness. It is strongly associated with thymic abnormalities, such as hyperplasia and thymomas. Thymoma affects 10-15% of myasthenia gravis patients, while 50-70% have thymic hyperplasia.

DiGeorge Syndrome

DiGeorge syndrome, also known as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, is a congenital disorder resulting from a chromosomal deletion. It causes underdevelopment or absence of the thymus, which results in immunodeficiency due to a lack of T cells. Other characteristics include congenital heart defects, hypoparathyroidism, and facial abnormalities.

  1. Complete DiGeorge Syndrome is defined by the complete absence of thymic tissue and profound immunodeficiency.
  2. Partial DiGeorge Syndrome: Some thymic tissue is present, resulting in partial T cell function and less severe immunodeficiency.

Thymic Cysts

Thymic cysts are fluid-filled sacs within the thymus that are typically asymptomatic and benign. They are frequently discovered incidentally while imaging for other conditions. Thymic cysts can be congenital or acquired, with the latter frequently associated with inflammation or neoplasms.

  1. Congenital Cysts are epithelial cells that form as a result of developmental abnormalities.
  2. Acquired Cysts: These can develop after inflammation, infection, or in the presence of thymic tumors. They may include cholesterol crystals and inflammatory cells.

Thymic Atrophy

Thymic atrophy is the shrinkage of the thymus with age, which leads to a decrease in T cell production. Stress, infections, and certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy and glucocorticoids, can all accelerate this natural process known as involution. Accelerated thymic atrophy can contribute to immunosenescence, making older adults more susceptible to infections and reducing vaccine efficacy.


Thymolipomas are rare, benign tumors made up of thymic and adipose tissues. They are typically asymptomatic and discovered coincidentally during imaging for other conditions. Large thymolipomas can cause respiratory problems due to compression of nearby structures.

Thymic Lymphoma

Thymic lymphoma is a rare lymphoma that develops in the thymus. It is more common in young people, and symptoms include chest pain, coughing, and superior vena cava syndrome. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are typical treatments.

Understanding these common thymus disorders is critical for early detection and effective treatment. Each condition has distinct features and implications for the immune system and overall health.

Thymus Diagnostic Techniques

Thymic conditions are diagnosed using a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging techniques, laboratory tests, and, in some cases, surgical procedures. An accurate diagnosis is required for effective treatment and management.

Clinical Examination

The initial evaluation includes a thorough clinical examination as well as a review of medical history. Symptoms of thymic abnormalities include chest pain, cough, dyspnea, and muscle weakness.

  1. Physical Examination: Palpation of the neck and chest may reveal lumps or tenderness. Muscle weakness and ptosis can be signs of myasthenia gravis.
  2. Medical History: A detailed history of symptoms, onset, duration, and contributing factors is essential. A family history of autoimmune diseases or congenital disorders can provide useful diagnostic information.

Imaging Techniques

Imaging is essential for examining the thymus and detecting abnormalities.

  1. Chest X-ray: A simple and initial imaging technique for detecting thymic enlargement or masses. However, it has a low sensitivity and specificity.
  2. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: The CT scan is the preferred imaging modality for a thorough examination of the thymus. It produces high-resolution images and can identify thymomas, hyperplasia, and other mediastinal masses. CT scans can also help determine the severity of disease and the involvement of nearby structures.
  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI is useful for assessing thymic tumors and differentiating between tissue types. It is especially useful in patients with contraindications to CT contrast agents. MRI can provide detailed images of soft tissue, assisting in the differentiation of thymomas and thymic carcinomas.
  4. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan: PET scans, often in conjunction with CT (PET/CT), are used to evaluate the metabolic activity of thymic masses. This imaging modality is useful for staging thymic malignancies and assessing treatment response.

Lab Tests

Laboratory tests are critical for detecting autoimmune diseases and determining thymic function.

  1. Antibody Testing: The presence of autoantibodies is critical in diagnosing myasthenia gravis. Common tests include:
  • Anti-acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies are present in about 85% of myasthenia gravis patients.
  • Anti-muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) antibodies: Found in patients with AChR antibody-negative.
  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): A CBC can help diagnose associated conditions like anemia or lymphocytosis.
  2. Serum Electrolytes and Calcium: These tests are important in patients with DiGeorge syndrome because they may have hypocalcemia due to hypoparathyroidism.
  3. Thymic Hormones: Thymic hormone measurements, such as thymosin and thymulin, can provide information about thymic function, though these tests are less commonly used in clinical practice.

Biopsy and Surgical Techniques

Biopsies and surgical procedures are sometimes required to make a definitive diagnosis.

  1. Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) is the process of extracting cells from a thymic mass for cytological analysis using a thin needle. This technique is minimally invasive and can provide an early diagnosis.
  2. Core Needle Biopsy: A larger needle is used to collect tissue samples for histopathological examination. This method provides more tissue for examination than FNA.
  3. Surgical Biopsy: If the FNA or core needle biopsy results are inconclusive, a surgical biopsy may be performed. This is possible using minimally invasive techniques such as video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) or an open surgical approach.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is necessary to diagnose congenital disorders like DiGeorge syndrome.

  1. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH): FISH detects the 22q11.2 deletion that causes DiGeorge syndrome. This test produces fast and accurate results.
  2. Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH): CGH can detect chromosomal abnormalities such as microdeletions and duplications, providing a complete genetic evaluation.

Treatment for Thymus Disorders

Treating thymic conditions requires a variety of approaches, ranging from medical management to advanced surgical interventions. The specific condition, its severity, and the patient’s overall health all influence the treatment decision.

Medical Management

  1. Medications: Several medications are used to treat symptoms and underlying conditions related to the thymus.
  • Corticosteroids: These are frequently used to reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system in autoimmune conditions such as myasthenia gravis.
  • Immunosuppressants: Drugs like azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and cyclosporine help manage autoimmune diseases by suppressing the immune response.
  • Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Medications such as pyridostigmine improve neuromuscular transmission in myasthenia gravis by increasing the availability of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction.
  1. Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) and Plasmapheresis: These treatments reduce circulating autoantibodies in severe cases of myasthenia gravis. IVIG is the infusion of antibodies from healthy donors, whereas plasmapheresis removes harmful antibodies from the bloodstream.

Surgical Interventions

  1. Thymectomy: Surgical removal of the thymus is a common treatment for thymomas and some forms of myasthenia gravis. Thymectomy can be performed using a variety of techniques.
  • Transsternal Thymectomy: This traditional method involves making a vertical incision through the sternum, allowing direct access to the thymus.
  • Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS): A minimally invasive technique for removing the thymus that involves making small incisions and using a camera. VATS is associated with faster recovery times and less postoperative pain than the transsternal approach.
  • Robotic-Assisted Thymectomy: A minimally invasive procedure that employs robotic technology to improve precision and control during surgery. This method combines the advantages of VATS with enhanced dexterity and vision.
  1. Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy, which uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, is most commonly used for thymic malignancies. It can be used postoperatively to eliminate remaining tumor cells or as a primary treatment in inoperable cases.
  2. Chemotherapy is commonly used to treat thymic carcinomas and advanced thymomas. Cisplatin, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide are examples of commonly used chemotherapy agents. Combination regimens are commonly used to improve efficacy.

Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy

  1. Targeted Therapies: These treatments use drugs to target specific molecular pathways involved in tumor growth and survival. Clinical trials have shown that targeted therapies such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g., sunitinib) can treat thymic carcinomas.
  2. Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy seeks to boost the body’s immune response to cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors, such as pembrolizumab, have been studied for use in thymic malignancies, with some showing promising results.

Supportive Care

  1. Physical Therapy: Patients with myasthenia gravis can benefit from physical therapy to improve their mobility and manage muscle weakness. Customized exercise programs seek to strengthen muscles and improve overall physical function.
  2. Nutritional Support: Adequate nutrition is critical for patients receiving treatment for thymic conditions. A well-balanced diet can boost the immune system and improve overall health.
  3. Psychological Support: Psychological counseling and support groups are essential for patients dealing with chronic conditions such as myasthenia gravis or those receiving cancer treatment. Mental health support can boost quality of life and treatment adherence.

Emerging Treatments

The search for new treatments for thymic conditions is ongoing. Emerging treatments include:

  1. Gene Therapy: Experimental approaches include correcting genetic defects or modulating gene expression to treat congenital thymic disorders and autoimmune diseases.
  2. Stem Cell Therapy: Studying the ability of stem cells to regenerate thymic tissue and restore immune function, particularly in conditions such as DiGeorge syndrome.
  3. Monoclonal Antibodies: Creating antibodies that specifically target cancer cells or immune components involved in autoimmune diseases. These therapies provide more precise treatment with potentially fewer side effects.

Personalized Medicine

Advances in personalized medicine allow for more tailored treatment approaches based on an individual’s genetic profile and disease characteristics. Personalized medicine aims to improve treatment efficacy while minimizing side effects.

Essential Supplements for Thymus Health

Several supplements have been shown to improve thymic health and immune function. The following are some essential nutrients, vitamins, herbal supplements, enzymes, hormones, and antioxidants that can help the thymus:

  1. Vitamin D: Required for immune function and thymic health. Vitamin D regulates the immune response and has been shown to increase the production and function of T cells. Supplementation is beneficial for people who are deficient in vitamin D.
  2. Zinc: A mineral necessary for immune system function. Zinc promotes T cell development and function while also ensuring thymic tissue structural integrity. Zinc supplementation can boost immune response, especially in people with zinc deficiency.
  3. Vitamin C: An antioxidant that boosts the immune system by shielding cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C aids in the production and function of T cells, which can improve overall immune health. Supplementation can be especially beneficial during times of stress or illness.
  4. Selenium is an essential mineral with antioxidant properties. Selenium is required for proper immune system function and to protect thymic cells from oxidative stress. Adequate selenium intake promotes thymic health and immunity.
  5. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb known for its immune-boosting properties. Ashwagandha can help to modulate the immune response, reduce inflammation, and boost the body’s resistance to stress. Supplements can boost overall immune function and thymic health.
  6. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that improve gut health and thus the immune system. A healthy gut microbiome has been associated with improved immune function, including T cell activity. Probiotic supplements can improve overall immune health and thymic function.
  7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and promote immune health. They can improve T cell function and reduce inflammation, which benefits overall thymic health. Supplementation can be especially beneficial for people who have inflammatory conditions.
  8. N-acetylcysteine (NAC): An antioxidant that helps replenish glutathione, the body’s primary antioxidant. NAC improves immune function and protects thymic cells from oxidative stress. Supplements can improve overall immune health and thymic function.
  9. Curcumin: Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin can regulate the immune response and protect thymic cells from oxidative stress. Supplements can boost overall immune function and thymic health.

Best Practices for Improving and Maintaining Thymus Health

  1. Maintain a Balanced Diet: Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats to provide essential nutrients for thymic health and immune function.
  2. Stay Physically Active: Regular physical activity boosts immune function, improves circulation, and reduces stress, all of which benefit thymic health.
  3. Get Adequate Sleep: Get enough sleep to support your immune system. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to help the thymus and other immune organs function properly.
  4. Manage Stress: Use stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness to lessen the negative impact of stress on the thymus and overall immune health.
  5. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can impair immune function and harm thymic health. To support immune health, avoid smoking and drink in moderation.
  6. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which is critical for proper immune function and overall health.
  7. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity can impair immune function and cause inflammation. Maintain a healthy weight through a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity to promote thymic health.
  8. Get Regular Health Check-ups: Regular medical check-ups can aid in the early detection and management of any health issues, ensuring timely intervention and support for thymic health.
  9. Reduce Toxic Exposure: Limit your exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals, and pollutants that can harm your immune system and thymic health. Use natural and organic products whenever possible.
  10. Use Proven Supplements: Consider taking supplements that support immune function and thymic health, such as vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids, especially if your diet is inadequate.

Trusted Resources


  1. “Immunology: A Short Course” by Richard Coico and Geoffrey Sunshine
  • This comprehensive textbook provides a clear and concise introduction to immunology, including detailed discussions on the thymus and its role in the immune system.
  1. “Thymus Gland Pathology: Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Features” by Corrado Lavini and Franco Cavalli
  • A detailed guide on thymic pathology, covering clinical features, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic options for various thymic conditions.
  1. “The Immune System” by Peter Parham
  • An accessible and thorough overview of the immune system, with a focus on the development and function of the thymus and other lymphoid organs.